Saturday, August 16, 2014

So far mineout is winning

Please go to the original mine out gaming group post to plus one it so you can join the team!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Gaming goup rules reminder

Hi guys! It's Gaming Gecko!  Are you  signed into your gmail account? Great! If you are then you can join the first ever Gecko Gaming Groups.  Your goal is to try and get all your friends to join your group.  The game that wins will be featured on all of the Gecko blogs! The winning game will be determined by the number of members.
How to sign up for a group:
Look at the post above or below titled ____ gaming group and find all the games that you have played, and enjoyed.  After that Google Plus one (must be signed into a gmail account) the game's post.  After this, you are in!
Growing your group:
Share the post of the group you signed up for through email, Facebook,  pintrest, blogger, twitter, or tell your friends, then have the ones with a Google account Google plus one it! The more you share, the higher chances your team will win!
You can join as many groups as you want.
Must have a Gmail or Google account to participate through this process.

Tiny Wings

Google Plus one this post to join this group!

2048 gaming group

Google plus one this post to join this group!

Tiny Tower/ Pocet Planes/ Tiny Deathstar/Pocet Trains

Google plus one this post to join this group!

Brigands and Barbarians Gaming Group!

Google plus one this post to join this group!

MIneout Gaming Group

Google Plus one this post to join the mineout gaming group!
Tell your friends to grow your group!

Mine Craft Gaming Group

Google plus one this post to join the minecraft gaming group!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Club Penguin Gaming Group

Google Plus one this post to join the CP Gaming Group!
More groups coming soon!

What do you play?

Hi guys! It's Gaming Gecko!  Are you  signed into your gmail account? Great! If you are then you can join the first ever Gecko Gaming Groups.  Your goal is to try and get all your friends to join your group.  The game that wins will be featured on all of the Gecko blogs! The winning game will be determined by the number of members.
How to sign up for a group:
Look at the post above and find all the games that you have played, and enjoyed.  After that Google Plus one (must be signed into a gmail account) the game's post.  After this, you are in!
Growing your group:
Share the post of the group you signed up for through email, Facebook,  pintrest, blogger, twitter, or tell your friends, then have the ones with a Google account Google plus one it! The more you share, the higher chances your team will win!
You can join as many groups as you want.
Must have a Gmail or Google account to participate through this process.

Joining without a Gmail or Google account:
Don't have a gmail or Google account?  Copy paste the following message into a social media post or email!:

Hi there! This is Gaming Gecko!  On behalf of your friend/poster and on behalf of Geckos Inc. please look into joining a Gecko Game Group! You must have a Gmail or Google account to officially join a team.   Click here to visit my blog to sign up for a team. 
Your goal is to try and get all your friends to join your group.  The game that wins will be featured on all of the Gecko blogs! The winning game will be determined by the number of members. 
How to sign up for a group:
Head to my blog and look at the recent post and find all the games that you have played, and enjoyed.  After that Google Plus one (must be signed into a gmail account) the game's post.  After this, you are in!
Growing your group:
Share the post of the group you signed up for through email, Facebook,  pintrest, blogger, twitter, or tell your friends, then have the ones with a Google account Google plus one it! The more you share, the higher chances your team will win!  
You can join as many groups as you want.
Must have a Gmail or Google account to participate through this process.

Hope you join, and become a Gecko!

Hope you become a part of a gaming group!
Group on Geckos!
-Gaming Gecko